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Rack off

aussie slang term meaning go away or fuck off

“he’s so annoying someone tell him to rack off

by Oi_lets_smoke_cones August 4, 2022


When something is over a amount of $1000 and more.

Damn for the Chrome Hearty jacket its 5 Rack A Dacks!!!!

by TOPFLOORANTHO March 28, 2022

reddy racks

Refered too as an og. Look him up on sound cloud! @Gold gang! hes the freshest man around!

Sam;Man , Have you heard reddy racks new song , canines?

Lauren; yuh it's lit man!

by Idubthemostest December 23, 2016

rack god

A rack god is someone who "racks" (shoplifts) from a store a lot and is really good at shoplifting.

"Yo did you see how much Ella racked?"
"Yeah man, that was crazy!"
"She's a fucking rack god..!"

by rackfuckinglord January 10, 2018

Grease Rack

Ugly girl with big tits

“Dude I fucked Candice last night.”

“Damn, did you put a bag over her head she’s a total grease rack.”

by FaffyEnderman January 8, 2023

snap rack

The act of putting ones hands on the sides of a girls breasts and quickly snapping them together.

Josh wishes he could snap rack Melissa more often, but sadly, her breasts are too small.

by Sprankelz February 29, 2008


When you get a hard on in your pants, probably from porn or some crack, you also make a gesture during the process.

"Yo Kosh, Aman having a stiffy in the back, hes been making weird gestures, I think hes Rack Hard, crazy."

by Potatowedges2002 April 25, 2020