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conversational terrorist

a person who joins into a conversation that was not directed toward them just to make a comment that will make them seem superior, completly messing up the conversation for those who were already talking to each other. see conversation bitch conversation hi-jacker

Maddie: " Last period I was talking to Tori about what time she went to bed and Dani totally butted in, saying she went to bed even later."

Emily: "She's such a conversational terrorist!"

by maddiemaddie94 May 20, 2010

Nature Terrorist

When a natural disaster damages "attacks" a major goverment building.

OMG!!!!!!!!! a nature terrorist just struck Washington D.C. with a 5.8 magnitude earth quake

by Pmoneyman August 25, 2011

touchtone terrorist

When someone only engages you via snarky text messages. Usually the terrorist is trying to get you to engage in a mean reply and then they play victim. They won’t answer the phone to clear up the miscommunication.

Good job not engaging the touchtone terrorist. Your reply was very nice.

by Therealtonitalks April 7, 2022

Terrorist Hand

A special gamemode in Rainbow Six Siege called Terrorist Hand

Let's play a round terrorist hand.

by mrsciopes September 19, 2019

Classroom Terrorist

A teacher’s pet who reminds the teacher of every little thing and always kisses ass.

Guy1: Ah shit man. We have the classroom terrorist.
Guy2: Damn. There goes my grade.

by November 19, 2020


Terrorist raccoon is cool guy who loves femboys and has infinite rizz he also wants to fuck me for some reason idk.

That’s a terrorist%20raccoon there

by 4buu March 27, 2023

Domestic Terrorist

Any member of an organization such as the US government (usually the executive branch), political groups (such as political advocates, corporate entities, and spies), or "poor me" activists such as religious followers, MADD, or various animal groups; that knowingly breaks various laws and/or subverts them in order to gain standing, assert authority, surveil, teach someone a lesson, make an example, sway public opinion, or other such self righteous endeavors in a futile attempt to try to gain dominance over others.

Was that a cop or a government official?
Neither it was a domestic terrorist...

by WGstyles July 29, 2023