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Heroin arms

arms that are super fucking veiny

wow joe have you been shooting up lately with heroin arms so veiny

by Kadenankl September 16, 2011

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Four Arms

The act of getting jerked off by four women at once.

Bro, these chicks Four Armsed me last night.

by RedneckGamer January 27, 2015

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Arm Barn

A arm barn is the southern term for a circle jerk. Where a group of good ole boys get together to jerk each other off in a circle. An arm barn tends to be more rough than a circle jerk on account of all participants having blue collar jobs, thus leading to hands that know a hard day's work.

After working a hard day down at the mill, Brady was looking forward to getting together with the boys for a good old arm barn later.

by DancesWithPandas October 29, 2021

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A cleaner version of the word Arse-holes. Suitable for utterance in front of children. Word may have orinated in Suffolk, England.

"If he doesn't want to do it. Arm-holes to him."
"Oh...arm-holes!" Elmo the landlord in the 80s TV sitcom Brush Strokes

by GYUK September 14, 2013

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Combat Arms

Free FPS game by nexon, flooded with hackers and 12 yr olds. Game has 2 clear categories of players:
Those who hack and troll
Those who are 12 and pay money therefore taking it too seriously

Contrary to other descriptions, it is not ruined by the flood of hackers, but rather hacking makes the game. Hacks being free and widely accessible, yes, many people use them, but being a hacker is all that keeps the game interesting.

-Hey want to play some COD
-Nah I'm playing Combat Arms cause using these new hacks and trolling 12 yr olds is really fun

by Bobsmith2 June 8, 2011

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barcode arms

when you slit you're wrists either because you're depressed or just because

teacher:hey ray has barcode arms
conciler:how ur home life bitch

by raybeez March 30, 2022

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elephant arm

A means of non-verbal communication used to show distaste of a person or situation in which one grabs their right shoulder with their left hand and flails their right arm up and down, like an elephant's trunk; this "awesome" thing my friend invented.

The inventor of the elephant arm: "The elephant arm is something I've been trying to promote in and around Boston. Thing is, it's not catching on yet, and it sucks" *flails out the elephant arm*

by giorgioooooo May 8, 2008

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