when 2 people are in a relationship and one person is creepy and weird but the other person finds it romantic
This couple is a prime example of creepy romanticism
Something that won’t happen you fucking jokeman
“Sebyyxy, I’ll make area 60 soon” -creepy
soon (for creepy)
Poo of the sticky brown variety
"eugh Laurens done a creepy fudge in her nappy and its seeping out the sides"
"mate that shit sticks like, well, shit to fur I guess"
"you cant use the word your describing whilst describing it."
"i just did"
"don't swear in front of my kid ok"
Letting the effects of a recreational drug become apparent.
Devon got creepy weird and started sweating profusely at the gig last night.
The act of urinating down a female's back while showering for sexual pleasure. It is usually unnoticeable as long as the male waits for the hot water to start kicking in.
John: My girlfriend dumped me.
Jim: Oh shit, why?
John: She caught me giving her a creepy steamer.
Jim: How did she find out?
John: I didn't turn on the water yet.
Then opens the creepy door (while spreading your girlfriend's vagina with fingers not salad tongs).
A physically disabled person who also suffers from learning difficulties and congenital thyroid deficiency partaking in an act conspiring to do something immoral, illegal, or harmful thus causing an unpleasant feeling of fear or unease. Otherwise known as a Creepy Cretin.
"What a deviously devilish, slickly sly little conniving creepy cretin"