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sloth disease

Very Rare disease carried most often by Jessikas. Very powerful sleeping disease where the victim sleeps 20 out of 24 possible hours. The other 4 hours are spent watching movies or spending time on their phone as to not use energy.

After waking up from a 3 hour nap exhausted, Jessika realized that she had sloth disease.

by Untamed1560 March 28, 2016

sleeplessdeeznuts disease

This is a very rare disease that was discovered during the COVID 19 outbreak in 2021 by a fellow student from Turkey was infected with it through his own personal laptop during the extreme stress of deez nuts hour and had to be hospitalized at Alkent Hospital, where he is being monitored by Dr. Joe Ma.

Dude are you okay? You look like you have the sleeplessdeeznuts disease!

by JooByden May 19, 2021

Baritone's Disease

A mental illness causing all baritone players to constantly act stupid and make corny puns.

While Lauren only has a mild case, David clearly has serious Baritone's Disease.

by BaritoneQueen February 4, 2016

Vesaolikur disease

Vesaolikur disease is a disease caught by giving the dog "Duke" the fabled ball

Person 1: Bro im so mad im gonna give duke the ball
Person 2: YOU CANT! You'll catch Vesaolikur disease.

by Adam D Fan July 3, 2021

Alphabet disease

A term to describe people who support or apart of the LGBTQIAPK+.

Person 1: In fact I'm gay

Person 2: Oh so you have the alphabet disease

by Retardef July 24, 2020

Spongebob Disease

It is a very very funny and dangerous disease this disease makes you into spongebob! IF YOU LOVE SPONGEBOB YOU GET SPONGEBOB DISEASE!!!!! so dont make your children watch spongebob for a long time or else it will happen and your child will turn into spongebob there is no cure and its not coming back and if you survive it it will be 1% chance to hard very very scary and if you survived there will be some side effects you will be yellow forever and you are more thirty than before because you became a sea sponge human but yea dont watch spongebob.

1. Hey fred dont watch spongebob it gives you Spongebob Disease!
2. my brother turn into spongebob because he got infected by the Spongebob Disease!

by ChildEater6964202121 March 2, 2023

Sparkinson's Disease

Where one is afflicted by the extreme desire to smoke marijuana on a regular basis, and/or, when one feels inclined to provide marijuana for all people participating in said act.

"Bro im sparkin everybody up tonight, its like I got SPARKINSON'S DISEASE

by Dr.Sparkinsons March 1, 2012