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Early morning riser

A person who wakes up early in the morning. The title of a Pure Prairie League song from 1972.

I think that one of the keys to my success is that I am an early morning riser. Because of this, I tend to associate mostly with other early morning risers. We drink coffee together.

by Big poppa 62353456 December 2, 2016

snacktime comes early today boys

something you say right before you and some buddies are about to hunt some dragons or kill a large group of zombies

Jake: Oh shit...we're done for.

Sabre Jackson: Snacktime comes early today boys.

Jake: Okay...let's do this.

by echo 9 May 2, 2007

1👍 7👎


on time

dude: wow, i'm semi-early for work today!
girl: it's 7:58, you're not late for once, but you're not early either.

by fathermike July 12, 2011

Early Earthquake Warning

An alert for a 5.0 or higher intensity earthquake and it's used mostly in Japan.

Goddamnit, not another Early Earthquake Warning it's the third fucking time in my 1 week Japan trip.

by MyDickyisCalledRicky August 17, 2022

Early Drinking

A completely socially acceptable cocktail or three before a date to ease the nerves

I'm at the bar early drinking and looking at wedding rings until he gets here. - sent to friend via text

by ArnoldPalmer82 October 31, 2017