A person who wakes up early in the morning. The title of a Pure Prairie League song from 1972.
I think that one of the keys to my success is that I am an early morning riser. Because of this, I tend to associate mostly with other early morning risers. We drink coffee together.
something you say right before you and some buddies are about to hunt some dragons or kill a large group of zombies
Jake: Oh shit...we're done for.
Sabre Jackson: Snacktime comes early today boys.
Jake: Okay...let's do this.
1👍 7👎
dude: wow, i'm semi-early for work today!
girl: it's 7:58, you're not late for once, but you're not early either.
An alert for a 5.0 or higher intensity earthquake and it's used mostly in Japan.
Goddamnit, not another Early Earthquake Warning it's the third fucking time in my 1 week Japan trip.
A completely socially acceptable cocktail or three before a date to ease the nerves
I'm at the bar early drinking and looking at wedding rings until he gets here. - sent to friend via text