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Hippie Chick

Hippie culture climaxed in 1960's American pop culture, although it maintains a strong base to this day, particularly at Phish and Widespread Panic shows and any event featuring the remaining members of the Grateful Dead. Hippie chicks can be identified by patchwork and extra-feminine clothing like long full skirts and shirts meant to be worn without a bra. Some of the more gypsy hippie chicks wear lots of jewelry and glittery make-up. Some of the more wookie hippie chicks wear dreads, no make-up (cause it's tested on animals) and may not shave (no one knows why). The roots of the culture lie in the "make love, not war" political movement, and hippie chicks may be politically liberal. Things like organic goods, recycling/reducing/reusing and fair trade shopping are common conversation topics for this culture. Having gotten a lot of mean feedback from mainstream society ("Jerry's dead, Phish sucks, get a job"), a hippie chick may be reluctant to be identified by an outsider, especially in the workplace. Lastly, one may or may not smoke weed, but the truth is that's the root of this culture.

Check out the barefoot hippie chick dancing on the lawn!

by StrawberryHippie July 24, 2013

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Plastic Hippie

Back in the late 1960s and early 1970s, an individual who would join the "true" hippies at concerts and events, but who was not committed to the hippie cause. Plastic hippies had straight jobs, short hair and were beholden to the "man." They wanted to be a part of the hippie movement without fully committing to the lifestyle and ideals.

"The Hippie has been replaced by the pseudo-Hippie, the plastic Hippie, the weekend Hippie." 1973, Eric Berne

by harris1969 January 22, 2010

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hippie van

The best fucking auto-mobile ever. Hippies, gypsies and cool people drive them. They're the best.

I saw a hippie van drive by and orgasmed.

by Iceeehippievan July 23, 2009

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emo hippie

basically a flower child that appreciates black, and likes to cry themslves to sleep.

emo hippie: dresses in a black hoodie and bellbottoms, or skinny jeans and tyedie, loves the world, weed, and acid, but hates themselves, does infact put hendrix and dashboard in the same playlist, goes to concerts, gets trashed out of their minds, then cries

a mix of two totally different worlds... yet it seems to work...

stupid person: emo!!!

emo hippie: whatt duude? you need to chill

stupid person: go slit your wrists

emo hippie: the power of jimmi compells you... im gonna go cry now

by emo.get.over.it August 22, 2007

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gothic hippie

A gothic hippie is precisely what the name implies. The exact combination of goth and hippie can vary widely based on the individual. In general, A gothic hippie is someone who believes in peace and love, embraces and strives to be one with nature and a higher energy (often-times through the practice of Paganism or some other New Age activity). These people generally also have a facination with history, praticularly the Middle Ages and the Victorian era. They tend to have a dark and cynical sense of humor and take very little seriously except for major issues (peace, love, social rights, ect...).

Stylistically A gothic hippy can look like either a goth or a hippy or some combination in between (think tie-dyed t-shirt with black fishnet underneath it and long dark hair)

Someone who listens to gothic music (especially more ethereal stuff), is into meditation and the pagan worship of nature and feels that people are stupid because they take things too seriously that aren't really worth it.
The highest goal of a gothic hippie is to trancend this world of materialism and pop-culture filth and achieve a higher form of enlightenment and inner peace.

by Janus XVII May 24, 2005

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A neo-hippie is at peace. At peace with world, good and bad. He (or she) knows that the enjoyment of Life, whatever his circumstances are, is the most important aspect of living. He enjoys all activities, all genres of music, all kinds of people, and sees the unique beauty in everything. He watches the world with an objective eye, seeing all sides of a story. He does not stare at the negativity he sees; he looks at it and finds within it positivity. He knows that civil liberties are innate, and to deny anyone those is outright wrong. He does not fight for what is right, he pushes the right past the wrong, for hatred helps nobody.. He controls himself with a free restraint, hurting for he knows it will pass with time, loving for he knows that it is the best feeling a person can experience. He experiences everything there is to experience, because from those his ever-changing soul grows.

Girl: "Wow, that girl's a bitch."
Neo-hippie: "So what?"

Boy: "I hate gay people!"
Neo-hippie: "They're just like you, except they like the same sex."

Girl: "Eww, I look fat in this shirt!!"
Neo-hippie: "No, you look beautiful and curvyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy."

Boy: "I like punching people in the face."
Neo-hippie: "I enjoy the breeze on my face, in my hair when I'm driving in my car with the windows down."

by Jamison C. Fisher May 21, 2009

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Hippie Nazi

A person who wears jack boots but wears flowers in their hair. A member of the Libertarian National Socialist Green Party.

An oxymoron because there really is no such thing ideologically speaking. Almost everything Hippies stand for, Nazis are against and vice versa. And being German does not a Nazi make.

Kristina was called a hippie nazi because she believed in conserving the environment as well as the White Race.

by OneBadAsp October 22, 2006

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