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Something satan (teachers) give to students who have been in prison for 6 hours and make them do more work! BullSHIAT!

Jimmeh (Kid 1): Gad my teacher gave me SHITTEH homework...
Billeh (Kid 2): Hah, I got none
Jimmeh: You little shit

by Ass89236492138756 October 7, 2015

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A common form of torture practiced by schoolteachers worldwide. Many children are mentally scarred by it for the rest of their lives.

Teacher: "Did you do your homework last night?"
Me: "No, I was busy impaling myself with a bunch of hot rusty nails."
Teacher: "..."
Me: "It was actually nice compared to the torture you call homework."

by Electr1c August 10, 2019

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What you're procrastinating from doing right now.

I don't want to do my homework so I'll search random stuff on Urban Dictionary in hopes it will magically finish itself

by Silver145 November 7, 2013

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I go to school for 9 fucking hours. Finally when I get back home which still has the time for me to fucking learn, these teachers release a huge amount of homework on me. Homework is the shit you have to do everyday.


by 01A51CD0 November 10, 2016

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You waste 7 hours of your day at school to learn crap that probably won't help you when your older. I get up at 5:30 every morning and school starts at freaking 7:20. When you come home it still doesn't end... Nope, THE TEACHERS ARE HUNGRY FOR MORE. They pile up a hella bunch of homework that they expect it to be done the next day. The torture follows us all the way home. It effects the amount of time I get to sleep, which makes me more and more exhausted as the days go by until I finally reach the weekend. And the less sleep you get and the more exhausted you get, the worse your grades get. How do the teachers expect you to get a 4.0 GPA when you can barley keep your eyes open in class. IT'S THE F TEACHERS' FAULTS BECAUSE THEY CHOOSE TO GIVE US THE HOURS AND HOURS OF HOMEWORK FOR NO REASON... I congratulate you if you made it through this whole paragraph ๐ŸŽ‰

I have a project, a 5 page essay, book work, and some worksheets for homework tonight that are all due tomorrow... fml

by Lazytownnn February 26, 2017

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Who ever invented it is a idiot. It consumes time and every teacher gives 5 essays each week and becomes very annoying this is how many slaps the person who invented it deserves 9999999999999999999999999999 plus about another 400000000000000000. So flip homework the biggest mistake a human has ever made.

More Homework why am I not suprised

by DoctorColesminion123 November 4, 2019

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I hate homework!!!!!!!!

by KittyKat2750 December 16, 2015

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