A brilliant website for finding information on and full of helpful people always willing to share their knowledge.
Person 1: "i need help with this"
Proffesional redditor: "dont fear stranger you are on reddit do this"
Person 1: "thank you"
A website for horny men and 6 yr olds alike to post dumb memes and porn.
That dude is on REDDIT over there.
A digital black hole where your faith in humanity goes to die.
"did you see that rule 34 post on reddit"
"you mean the one about Cthulhu molesting ben 10s cousin?"
Hey you did you get banned in reddit? I engaged with a minor
The thing you type at the end of a search query to get an actual result
Me: <specific problem>
Google: No results
Me: <specific problem> reddit
Google: Here's some random guy from 6 years ago who had the exact same problem, with a detailed solution
1👍 1👎
A website full of band kids that still think big Ching us and Pepe the frog is funny
Reddit kid: big Chungus
Normal person: your not funny
Reddit kid: your not poggers
A pretty awful social media site that has a hive mind mentality. Literally the scum of the earth. Satans residence. Some good people/communities but pretty rare to find. Not for normal people or people who aren't degenerates.
"Reddit sucks."