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Scooby is an unusually kind, loving and innocently sexy soul. His looks blow you away and the closer you look, the more attractive he will become. Scooby's are scarily intelligent and are willing to help anyone with anything. If you are dating someone called scooby, make a promise to never let them go. Scooby's will be there for you even if they can't understand your emotions. Scooby will become your spice of happiness, taking your breath eaway. His eyes are intense blue oceans that once you fall in, you don't mind drowning. He doesn't think he looks good but he is perfect in every way ๐Ÿ˜

Girlfriend: "I look disgusting"
Scooby: you are the most gorgeous being on this earth ๐Ÿ˜Œ

by Thicc_queen_2004 September 4, 2019


the name of my grandmother's dog ๐Ÿ’€

yotube vidddeos: SCOOBY-VID20231120-154832594-A0003942.mkv

scooby come here

by mister camera November 21, 2023


small & cute

Aww that teddy bear is so scooby

by Momma J December 16, 2017


Fucking ur mom 24/7 while smoking a doobie with discord peeps.


Damn droid why you keep doing that.
I'm just "scooby"

by Scxoooby April 23, 2021


Scrooby is a term used to describe weed when the contents are unknown.
If all/some of the strains in the weed you have are unknown then it is scooby as it is mysterious.
Scooby is often used for a hit roulette, so it's good for a sesh.

1: Ay bro, what's in this blunt?
2: Dunno bro, it's some scooby I picked up.

2: What strains are in this bag man?
1: There's some gorilla glue and amnesia, but the rest is scooby.

by Dirty Bomber January 20, 2020


when wearing clothes you get your two fingers ready and shove fingers into asshole region.

i was walking up the stairs and i heard a "scooby" and then i felt a sharp pain in my asshole.

by birvagina October 8, 2007


Referring to a pain in the chest, usually you point to your chest and say the word. A lot of messed up people would use this term.

"OUCHHHHHHH my scooby"

by Phillip Brown March 25, 2006