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Ardsley New York

Where people are horders and people who are white rich Jewish people who think they are rich but are really middle class.

People in Ardsley New York are mostly white and know know each other

by Newton the newton๐Ÿ˜€๐ŸŽณโšฝโšพ March 5, 2017

15๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

New York City

Metropolis; the biggest city in the United States and one of the biggest cities in the world. The financial and economic capital of the United States and the Western Hemisphere. Like any other city, whether its visible on the surface or not, there's crime, poverty and excess in New York City, alongside some of the wealthiest people in the world. It differs from other cities in the US in that the cityscape is more of a contiguous metropolis than Los Angeles, Boston or Chicago. Residents are (surprise surpise) very proud of their city; they have a reputation for being rude, arrogant and boisterous but it is a stereotype that doesn't hold true in every circumstance.

New Yorker: Yeah NYC is the greatest city in the entire fuckin' world and dont you fuggetit

Me: Yeah I was in New York City in 2003 and I was flying out of Newark and the sky above NYC was green

New Yorker: Yeah but its a real city

Me: K, whatever

by Perfect_Cheezit September 17, 2004

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New York discount

A dubious sales technique where an apparent reduction in an unrealistically elevated price is offered to the naive by fast-talking sales people. The method is practiced irrespective of the product, service, industry, local, or legality.

The sales manager was going to chew out the salesman for discounting the price so heavily until he realized that the customer had only been given a New York discount and the final price was still 10% higher than retail.

by hubbycap June 1, 2011

New York Pour

A New York pour is an unmeasured alcohol pour,
characterized by audible, prolonged, glugging
as the liquor pours plentifully from the bottle.

Alright, that sounds like a New York Pour, I like this bartender.

This bartender must be from New York, did you hear that pour?

by MrVester July 3, 2007

New York Hypothetical

A devious hypothetical that requires a man to pick between performing the actions of One Guy One Screwdriver or having their balls jumped on 10 times, shot with a paintball gun 10 times, and tazed 3 times all while on camera

I was trying to sleep but my homie rolled over and gave me the New York Hypothetical and completely ruined my night

by JahPresto July 21, 2022

The North York Trifecta

Also well-known to the denizens of Toronto as The Uptown Ultimate and The Bathurst Bomb, the action of dining at Wimpy's for breakfast, Dr. Laffa for lunch, and Pho Viet Xpress for dinner in the same day.

Girl: Mmmm, it's Sunday, let's stay in bed for a bit longer and cuddle up today.
Guy: No son, we're hitting the North York trifecta today. Wear your stretchy pants.

by TheOldAmba March 3, 2017

Thom Yorke's Witness

An over-obsessed Radiohead fan who, in attempt to enlighten others, goes door to door carrying a copy of OK Computer on vinyl and spreads the good word of the great Thom Yorke. The Thom Yorke's witness tends to lack the ability to understand those who do not enjoy Radiohead, so do not offend them.

Who was that at the door?

Oh that was just a Thom Yorke's witness. I told him I don't like Radiohead so he went and jumped in front of a truck.

by Crusty Howard November 10, 2017