Source Code

silver 4


larssie is silver 4

by deniaL1337 March 22, 2017

Black Ops 4

"New" title from well known series of games called CoD Black Ops. Made by Treyarch (slaves of Activi$ion) which explains why it's shitty as always.

Game is characterized by not having Campaign, mainly because fat Bobby decided that he need few more millions dollars, and he couldn't find them anywhere else.

As always players that only want to play zombies will have to buy whole game, getting useless BR, which will lose to PUBG and Fortnite after a day.

TL:DR Game is just ctrl+c of Black Ops 3, but with battle royale

Friend 1 : Hey, I just brought CoD Black Ops 4
Friend 2 : You should just buy Black Ops 3. It's the same game, but cheaper.

by Tomsow12 July 29, 2018


"Pay your respects. Spin your bullets in the golden ratio."


by mongusmongusmongus March 22, 2022

Throwin Up The 4

Throwin up the 4 means your a certified CLb

Marcus was throwin up the 4

by MarcusDingle69 June 14, 2022

Throwing up 4’s

If you throw up 4’s you want to marry Daylon

“Oh she’s throwing up 4’s.. she must want Daylon

by bigpapalikebigesmalls May 23, 2022

throwing up 4’s

throwing up 4’s means that u are madly obsessed wit hispanic edgar’s😍

wow she was throwing up 4’s she def loves edgar’s”

by fine beaner October 30, 2022

Throwing up 4’s

Throwing up 4’s means you think madison is the absolute most amazing, most perfect, most beautiful person in existence

They’re throwing up 4’s because they love madison

by mthutzl May 24, 2022