Kaylee is one of the most endearing friends, though the dumbest of your ground she knows how to lick toes???
She likes long walks in the park and sand between her bro's toes.
Kaylee Green what a dumb red head
To be high on marijuana, or any cannabis product.
John: You know where Tim is?
Bill: On the couch, he’s on the green.
Liberal progressive falling for Hamas Propaganda
How do you explain Tom Tanuki calling the war a genocide? Must be Green Pilled
Slang for uTorrent, where you can download pirated games, contrary to buying them legally on Steam.
Dude there's tonnes of the same games on the green steam for free!
Friend: sn I'll check it out
When you put your nose between a girls ass cheeks and she squeezes. You then proceed to blow your nose as hard as you can, and then eat it out of her ass.
Steve told Tom “man, my allergies are terrible this week. I can’t wait to go home and give my girl the Green Goblin.”
A shot of cheap tequila, mixed with male ejaculate and green food coloring.
Damn bitch, shoot that green goblin!
Green goblin, a sexual activity that stoners participate in. The green goblin comprises of punching a cone of marijuana whilst getting your shaft throat slammed by your lady friend.
"Hey ash how was the party on Friday"
"It was awesome Stacey gave me a green goblin in the dunnies"