Source Code

big guy

the one who eats all the leftover s\cheese that was in the back of the regridgeltur

fuck you ,big guy

by Peta gris January 8, 2023

Cool Guy Jones

Typical speaking, a cool guy jones is one who really isn’t good at much but plays it up to be a star! Whether he’s the best man around , the best driver or athlete! This is a cool guy jones - he lacks common sense and lives in the moment ! Generally the fuck up in the group

Oh wow look at this cool guy jones he’s scared of adults and growing up

by DirtyPopper288 January 10, 2020

The guy that starts with s

A hot and funny guy who is a flirt but nobody sees it in him,and he is the one of a girls type

Hey, The guy that starts with S ,u look cute today

by Rebone November 23, 2021

Sand Rich Guy

Guy from Egypt, rich and will always have spare change in this pocket and is a Jew, and cant get laid with any amount of money there is.

Belal is sand rich guy.

by Bolel July 11, 2020

put some guys on it

“Guys” can refer to a lot of things, usu. weed, beer, and cigarettes.

Ex: “I’m down to my last two guys, I should stop at the OP and pick some up.” or “Pass me a couple guys.”

Put some guys on it” specifically refers to pot, however. Usually said when trying to come up with a plan or figure out rides or solve any number of simple tasks that become increasingly difficult to manage due to the inverse relationship between sobriety and basic problem-solving skills and everyone would just rather pack another bowl than decide right away.

1: “Where should we go to eat?” 2: “I dunno, put some guys on it. It’s fine."

1: “So what do you want from Sonic?” 2: “I dunno, man, we got guys on it, it’s fine.”

1: “What movie should we watch?” 2: “Fuck, man, put some guys on it. Gives me time to think. It’ll be fine. We got guys.”

by snaggletoothbaby May 4, 2011

Shit, guy.

90's Toronto slang rooted in suburban BIPOC Carribean and Gino culture meaning that's too bad or as an exclamation

Pronounced "shit giyee"

Example 1
My car broke down
Shit, guy.

Example 2
Shit, guy; Maryam's looking goooood.

by Tee.Tee.Cee. January 11, 2022

Yes Guys

Often said sarcastically, it is used to exaggerate how awful something is. Sometimes it will be said in a strained voice and pronounced like Yisss Guuyss

"Do you want to watch My Little Pony?"
"Yes Guys, I totally love that"

by Life3561 January 22, 2019