a concoction of various hard clear water looking alcohol mixed together in a Kirkland sparkling orange mango pop bottle that has been emptied and stored in freezer
yo give me water I'm really thirsty says J Cole
"hands him blumkin juice instead "
yo what is this this taste terrible says J Cole
its blumkin juice says Asher Keddie
The act of stuffing your partner with as many cherries as you can fit in them, then proceeding to fuck them so violently that the juice flows out.
Jack put two dozen cherries in Jill ass then made New England Cherry Juice for Janet drink it.
A beverage to drink when concerned.
Bob: Take my liver.
Gary Miller: Concern juice.
Bob: Lol. Your now concerned, loser.
Gary Miller: Can I still have your liver though?
Bob: Only if you finish your concern juice.
Gary Miller finishes his concern juice and takes Bob's liver.
Then you make-out.
The End.
Bob: I love you, Gary Miller.
Gary Miller: I love you too, Bob.
The quality of having no "game". A lack of confidence.
Charlie's been gimp juice since his ass got played by his ex-baby momma.
The female ejaculation during squirting at time of orgasm (the liquid)
The Croc juice is scientifically proven to be heart healthy yet more addictive than heroin! Driving from. name Crockett ... C rock & the juice that is in the vagina during ejaculation... squirting. Crock juice
Gossip that fuels an argument.
Yow, that trick been spreading some issue juice 'bout me. We bout to go in on this kid southern style!
The act of shitting or pissing on a females( or males) head while their mouth is open
Damn she took that forehead juice like a champ