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Donald Trump

Americas sexyist president ever, his big orange mangina, and his big ass, turns me on.

Donald trump turns me on

by Sebbyboiishot July 1, 2019

27๐Ÿ‘ 492๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fuck Donald Trump

What brainwashed leftists with tiny dicks say because they have no argument.

"Hi, my name is Tyrone, FUCK DONALD TRUMP, oh sorry, you see i'm mentally ill."

by Haha4114 December 3, 2020

188๐Ÿ‘ 317๐Ÿ‘Ž

Trump Derangement Syndrome

When a brainwashed leftist and Biden cult follower cannot stop talking about, and obsessing over Donald J Trump former president of the US, because they have been conditioned to do so by giant corporations and liberal institutions over the course of 4 years.

This term usually applies to most left leaning individuals that cannot communicate outside of their twitter echo chamber and have no concern for reality of verifiable facts.

"I stubbed my toe this morning, I blame orange man, he's literally ruining my life and imprisoning minorities"

"Nope, you just have trump derangement syndrome."

by Normalperson17 April 29, 2021

1467๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fuck Donald Trump

no reason, just because that is what the media wants me to say, as they are control by the wealthiest one percent, which are far left Democrats

"Fuck Donald Trump", we want BIDEN/HARRIS so we can pay higher taxes! "F'uck Donald Trump", so we can have BIDEN/HARRIS, and they will Tax the hell out of Big Corporations, so they can move to Mexico, so we have millions of less jobs!

by incrediblyZ December 4, 2020

80๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž

Donald John Trump

Trump is a 74 year old white man who was the president of the United States from 2017 to 2021. Trump is racists, sexist, ageist, he does not support LGBTQ+ members, he almost started world war lll And lets not forget he r*ped girls and woman, witch is not ok

Someone: "i support trump"

Me: "DON'T"
Me: "Donald John Trump is not a good man"

by Madi16 February 21, 2021

25๐Ÿ‘ 89๐Ÿ‘Ž

Donald Trump

The savior of America

If he loses America is fucked and will fall apart

Donald Trump has done wonders for America and will win the 2020 reelection because Democrats decided for the last two elections to pick the worst possible canidate.

by Billy unknown October 13, 2020

63๐Ÿ‘ 99๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck donald trump

a phrase that someone uses when they don't want to see their country improve and also cries and screams when things don't go their way

"Man fuck Donald Trump! I wanted handouts and the government to take care of me! Time to riot!"

by freeform-jizz December 2, 2020

396๐Ÿ‘ 808๐Ÿ‘Ž