A dangerous word is the opposite of a safe word, meaning when used it is to tell a person's significant other to continue or go further. Safe words typically mean stop, while a dangerous word means to go.
Person 1: Yeah I wanted him to keep kissing me but he was afraid to go too far
Person 2: Me and my boyfriend have a dangerous word, everytime he says banana it means he reallyyyy wants more
Person 1: oh
A powerful word used to describe one of the many facets that the human spirit shines through.
Did you see Devin’s new ‘fearless’ tattoo?
Yeah man, that’s his star word
A word to replace a cuss word so you don't get the dickins.
Person 1: Sh*t that hurt.
Person 2: That's not polite use a fixing word so you don't get my miscket grabbers.
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i was just making an urban dictionary word.
A way for sick cunts to guarantee their word or integrity.
Hey cunt! That bud was fucking rank yeah.. word bro.
1) It is a word from the urban dictionary
2) A slang word from the urban dictionary
3) A really rude word
That Guy is using Urban Words to demoralize his friend
A cool word idea from this site that you and I know will never be used, usually a definition that's kinda funny
Guy 1: What the- look at this definition I found
Guy 2: "Moonlanding"-- wait, fuck that, who even goes on Urban Diction--
Guy 1: Just look.
*1 minute read and a nose laugh later*
Guy 2: Ohh, I see. Too bad it's just an Urban word