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Cheese stick Torture

When a friend shoving a Cheese stick far up another friends ass as a form of punishment (platonically)

"James did you here about Jessica getting cheese stick Torture 😱"

by Crusty Dorito Nike shoe September 10, 2022

Amazonian fire Stick

When you run out of lubricant, so you use Vics Vapor Rub to masturbate instead.

Dude, you have to try giving yourself an Amazonian Fire stick, you have a really clear head when doing the deep inhales at spasm time, mega oxygen overload to the brain.

by Deadpools Poodle January 21, 2020

Peppermint Stick

A bloody dick after having sex when she’s on her period.

Gonna hop in the shower babe, got a peppermint stick.

by Skkkkrate November 16, 2023

bat stick

Batman's schlong blessed by Lady Justice

'Stick that bat stick up in me Mr. Batman!' moaned Mary Jane.

by chickenmcnuggets6968 February 7, 2023

go stick your head in a hornet's nest

A less vulgar way to say "fuck off". I personally coined the phrase and used it once or twice on some motormouth who rubbed me the wrong way. Hornets are mean, six-legged bastards, even meaner than their cousins: the wasps.

Shemp: You couldn't let me do it. You had to gum up the works.

Larry: Ah, go stick your head in a hornet's nest.

by Stupidly Sophisticated September 16, 2020

stick barn

Tall skinny man

I seen Paul today at the dollar store. He’s so tall. What a stick barn

by Welder Bobby July 9, 2023

show the stick

it might be a reference to a concept where "showing the stick" could imply a threat or an aggressive stance. This expression could be interpreted metaphorically, suggesting that when someone brandishes or shows a stick, they are indicating their readiness to resort to violence or aggression to assert dominance or control over a situation.

In certain contexts or cultures, a stick might symbolize power, authority, or even a weapon. Thus, "showing the stick" could imply a warning that someone is prepared to use force or coercion to achieve their goals or defend themselves.

Hampus: what you lookin at cuh

Niya: dont let me show the stick now

by Jaunito Cramer February 10, 2024