I seen Paul today at the dollar store. He’s so tall. What a stick barn
it might be a reference to a concept where "showing the stick" could imply a threat or an aggressive stance. This expression could be interpreted metaphorically, suggesting that when someone brandishes or shows a stick, they are indicating their readiness to resort to violence or aggression to assert dominance or control over a situation.
In certain contexts or cultures, a stick might symbolize power, authority, or even a weapon. Thus, "showing the stick" could imply a warning that someone is prepared to use force or coercion to achieve their goals or defend themselves.
Hampus: what you lookin at cuh
Niya: dont let me show the stick now
Two Stick One Chain Means A Nunchuck
Leonardo: Mikey wheres to two stick, one chain
Mikey: My Nunchuck
A vape or e-cigarette when used to look cool or for any reason other than it's intended purpose of helping people get off their addiction to cigarettes. It is especially considered a faggot stick when the user got addicted to it.
Hey did you hear Kyle spent all his money he got for his birthday on a faggot stick?
Person who has bamboo stick legs .
Look at Elicia and her bamboo stick legs!
Forget finesse; it’s hammer time. When you're fed up with a problem that just won't budge and decide the only logical solution is to metaphorically (or literally) beat it into submission. Usually involves aggressive levels of determination and a touch of creativity
McCarty and Roby stare at the broken irrigation system on the deck.
McCarty: This dang thing's glued shut, I swear.
Roby: (picks up a stick) Sometimes, you just gotta take a stick to it.
Roby smacks the pipe with the stick like he’s auditioning for a drum solo. Water bursts out and they exchange laughs.
When. U smoked pcp the night before “a stick” and u try to talk or text but ur language and vision is still fucked up from the wet that ur sentences and text don’t make sense
Can you repeat that cuz It didn't make that much sense to me that's "stick talk" LOL