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Mexican Milkshake

Gleason's beverage of choice. He uses it to wash down his fart sandwiches.

Gleason guzzled that Mexican Milkshake down so quickly, I didn't even get to try it!

by QJ Qukasheviq June 22, 2018

Strawberry Milkshake

When a man creampies a woman on her period and eats her out with the blood and cum mixing together

my mouth felt a strawberry milkshake last night

by Damenzo July 24, 2020

African milkshake

When a girl gets fingered so hard she shits, the shit would be picked up and put into a cup, her partner would then jizz into the cup and it would be blended and served to an nigerian prince’s slave named rafiki

That girl looks like shit, she probably did an African milkshake

by Gorillatesticles December 31, 2022

Cement Milkshake

(The act of using) An acidic milkshake, often having cement mixed in, be it by customer or seller, by domestic terrorist groups against political opponents violently.

Oh man, I'd love to cement milkshake Ted Cruz!

by xXx_42069_xXx July 3, 2019

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milkshake duck

milkshake duck is someone can be any one who instantly becomes famous but then when people find out they are bad or done something bad they become unpopular that is called milkshake duck

????????????????????????????????????????????? milkshake duck

by ajksdah January 15, 2018

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Cement milkshake

A euphemism for a vegan milkshake invented by police in Portland, Oregon to exaggerate the dangers faced by their friends.

I saw a kid out there with a cement milkshake and he just laughed in my face. My god, what’s happened to this town?

by microfilm July 1, 2019

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Placenta Milkshake

A perfectly blended fetus of an unborn child deliciously poured into a cup mixed with milk and topped with a serving of fresh wipped cream. (also served with a cherry on top)

Tom downed his Wifes' Placenta Milkshake without any hesitation, he even licked the cup clean.

by lawler00 March 29, 2010

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