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Conversation mites

People who doesn't contribute to a conversation in any meaningful way and clutter the conversation

Usually can be identified by their excessive use of "Lol","Lmao" or by saying random sentences in contrary of a conversation is taking place

Steve: Have you seen the new movie?

Paul: Lol

Fred: Yeah and it was trash

Paul: Lmao

Steve: oh.

Paul: Lol

Fred: You're such a Conversation mites Paul, shut the fuck up

by CertainJeff August 28, 2023

coyote conversation

When someone starts a conversation, then keeps talking without shutting up and traps you in an endless stream of babble until you are ready to do anything, even chewing your own arm off to escape!

She started off talking about her latest relationship and went on and on without stopping. After half an hour, I literally had to pretend that I was sick and ran to the bathroom to get away. It was a total coyote conversation!

by La La Cuervo June 9, 2018

Conversation Sync

When you're talking to two people online and the same topic comes up in both conversations at the same time, completely unplanned by you.

Chat 1: I went to the beach today, I was so scared when I saw the 'Beware of Sharks' sign!
Chat 2: I just watched Jaws, best movie ever!
You: Major Conversation Sync.

by Mattpwns February 13, 2011

conversation cutter

A person who always likes to replies with one word responses like "K" etc

Courtney - "Aw what have been upto"

Hone "nothing much"

Courtney "Aw man stop being a conversation cutter"

by Titonz November 13, 2015

Rehebnol Conversion

N. (Re-hib-nol * Con-vir-schon).

:Fuel made from switch blade grass and corn

:similar to ethanol fuel

:an easier conversion to fuel than CNG (Compressed Natural Gas)

This type of fuel does not exist.

I want to use the Rehebnol Conversion on my truck.

Do you think it would be better to used the Rehebnol Conversion than the CNG?

I love how people think rehebnol conversion is real.

by kpark47 January 27, 2014

conversation chicken

When two people both begin talking at the same time and keep restarting their sentences anticipating the other person to stop. If you are the last person talking you have successfully won conversation chicken.

Person 1-"Did you see-" x3

Person 2-"My guinea pig took-" x4

Person 2-"Ha! Conversation chicken champ bro!"

by nellyscott July 26, 2019

conversation phobic

A conversation phobic is someone who refuses to have normal conversation, only using texts to communicate very important feelings or information.

I realized that Jim is a conversation phobic when I have tried to get him to talk to me, when I call he lets the call go to his voicemail but within seconds he texts a response.

by SullieTough March 28, 2018