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Ass drumming circle

A group of men or women. Sometimes coed meet up with a pair of drum sticks for each person. Each person puts their bottom out and starts hitting the person in front of them with the drum sticks and forming a circle thus ass drumming circle.

Me and 4 of my friends went and did an ass drumming circle last noght

by Old and confused January 6, 2024

beats the drums

An expression that shows one thinks something is good or bongoes. The thing that is bongoes performs the phrase. When used in the past tense, it can either be "beats the drums" or "beat the drums" interchangeably.

"That game last night was really good, it really beats the drums."

by Bongoeman February 26, 2025

Drum Major

That one senior that at least 4 kids have dated and at least 1 freshman has a crush on.
Is also known as the cult leader in some cases

Band directors personal servant

The Drum Major was made to grab something the band director couldn’t get

by ✨Lime✨ September 7, 2021

Drum Major

This is Urban Dictionary. The definition to Drum Major shouldn’t have to be explained. “I hear David is really good at 4 instruments!” “Well, David is a Drum Major; and that means Music is his life, geesh, I think I’m going to put this on Urban Dictionary N00b.

That man is a Drum Major; just look at the way He plays the piano. Write him up a contract Joe.

by Skippystein June 25, 2024

The Spartans drum corps

The Spartans are a 5 time DCI Open Class (formerly division II) world champion drum and bugle corps based out of Nashua, NH. They are known for their seriousness and their attention to detail.

Wow, look at the Spartans in block...they look so intense...

The Spartans drum corps just have that look to them, it's intimidating...

by TheSpartan22557 March 16, 2017


Someone who always listens to blabber, rumors, lies, then feeds into them and helps them spread.

Person 1: "Yo, I heard you talk to So-So now?"

Person 2: "Yeah, I heard she's a huge sk@nk, so I wanna get on that now haha.."

Person 1: "Not what I meant dude, quit being such a Nut-Drum, do better bro."

by x.cessive November 3, 2023

rusty drum

The act of tounging a male asshole while patting or "drumming" the testicles

Doug gave me a fantastic Rusty drum last night before i gave him a rusty trombone

by Caźzoo August 24, 2017