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brown general

When you take an especially impressive dump and the turd stands up on end, sticking out of the water. Resembles a soldier standing at attention.

"Dude, Smitty dropped a brown general and left it propping the lid open."

by dickcheney November 11, 2007

General Grievous

A sex position where you are using all of your limbs to please 7 different women. (tounge, fingers, toes, and your third leg)

“Holy shit you just did a General Grievous? (bows down) How may I be of service master..”

by twebz May 17, 2018

Generation MMX

Term for those born in the 2010 decade.
MMX is 2010 in Roman Numerals.

The first baby born on on New Years Day in 2010 is the first Generation MMX 'er!

by yeshua2000 January 1, 2010

The Dollar General

Angry Karen who yells at everybody in a dollar store, thinking that her broke ass is a general.

The Dollar General was yelling at be because I took the last box of dollar store tampons

by Lulu Bean March 7, 2022

generic flow

A meaningless insult to describe any geometry dash layout one does not like, or deems worth insulting.

There was a new TSC layout? It was probably all just generic flow.

by sa;fjlkasdjfsakldfjaslkdfsk;sk April 18, 2021


A term for the leader of a meme-oriented national entity. An example of one would be in the Federal Republic of Whestcorea, a micronation.

"H.E. was elected as Whestcorea's Mememaster-General last month.

by ReexD May 28, 2016

Generation Lap

When a line of multiple preteen/teen pregnancies result in the birth of a child generations before the other children that should be in its age group are conceived.

Mary has a daughter at age 13. Her daughter then has a daughter at age 14. When Mary is only 27 she has a granddaughter. Mary's granddaughter will grow up with friends that are an entire generation behind her. This is a generation lap.

by socialmediaman July 2, 2013