When you fill a balloon with maple syrup and throw it at someone
Suzie is mean, i don't like her. She get Kec'd
A greeting or phrase to say "hi" or "fuck you."
The action of getting sheped or sheping someone.
Person 1: "Hey get sheped"
Person 2: "Shep yourself"
To get björned is a way to get pranked, like "hah you just got björned by björn" its a verb form of the swedish word for bear.
get björned.
You just got björned i will now die. get björned
When you're tryna smash but u dont wanna say it directly cause you're in front of their parents or in public
Ay ma let me get up in that later, nawwwmean
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on the Wall High School tennis team it means "get that point" or it could be applied to achieving a goal of some sort
I "got that nina" in the gym today.
Lets "get that nina" on the tennis courts today .
When you're playing a video game and two players kill each other simultaneously. Originally from Gears of War 2, when title update 6 was introduced and it became possible to kill each other at the same time.
Guy 1: "Aww man we killed each other!"
Guy 2: "Get updated!"
To receive a warm, pleasant feeling; essentially the chaste equivalent of a boner.
I get a happy whenever I smell pizza.
If he's doing something wrong, I want to know... because it gives me a happy.
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