In a state of complete laughter and highly amused. When someone is laughing very hard.
Pronounced - mill-eed
"I'm absolutely millied"
Dyslexic but fit as fuck with amazing set of piegons, absolute sort best tonsil tickler there is
That Millie Howarth may be dyslexic but she’s up there with the best tonsil ticklers I’ve had
A measurement of distance, similar to a poofteenth, slightly bigger than a bees dick
I missed that putt by a milly muff, it sat just shy of the rim
1. n. A woman who has a lot of sex with a vagina to accomodate a lot of partners
"Damn, thats the three guys in 4 hours, that woman is such a loose millie."
This type of amelia is a very specific variation. She is characterised by her german man hands which men run away from. Choosing to go by milly was a difficult decision in her life, but the chicks love it #pussymag.
I'm sitting next to a Milly-Amelia right now and I can tell you she is sexy. Milly is the ultimate pussymag as she says, you may see her with many chicks at once, her reach is unfathomable.
They say women can sense when an Amelia/Milly is in within a 6803992km radius deep in their vvs.
Amelia's who go by milly= a breed of amelia who has carefully selected the commonname Milly
Milly is sending tingles to my *****.
Or perhaps,
Milly's german man hands are vile.
Millie is extremely beautiful. She is funny and kind, very hard not to like. I really like her because she is always positive and always laughing. I love her so much I would do anything in the world I hope you one day find this.
Love Oscar xx
I love Millie Harris
Ronan and Milly are the PERFECT COUPLE. They are sweet and caring but also have lots of fun and adventures. They were both shy when they started crushing on each other but they slowly came out of their shells. They became the IT couple.
Person 1: Look its ronan and milly
Person 2: I wish i had a relationship like that, the are perfect for each other.