A friendly adress that black people use between them, like "homie" for white people. However, black people get offended when you call this to them and consider it racist
Jamal: Whassup ma nigger!
Demarcus: Hey ma homie
A racist word used to call black people slaves
Black people nor white people should be allowed to use this word.
Look at that Nigger
Also known as 'Nigga' and the 'N-Word' it's a racial slur commonly used by 60 year old white lady's against black people and the word can only be used by black people referring to other black people and white people if they feel like a brother to the person
Old white lady: This nigger has guns in his school backpack
Jamal: What the fuck did you just say to me!
Jamal kills the old white lady with the guns in his school backpack
Used as a slur commonly against blacks. High school children favorite word
Stop using the whites only restroom nigger,
who told you you can get outta the cage nigger,
get back in the fields u darkskinned monkey nigger hoey bitch
The belief that only black people are discriminated or racism benefits only white people
Example 1:
Person 1: You can’t be racist to white people.
Person 2: That’s niggerism!
Person 1: What?
Person 2: Niggerism. The belief that you can’t discriminate against white people.
Example 2:
Person: You hate white people, but claim it’s not racist unless it’s whites hating blacks? Hmm sounds like Niggerism
Niggerism is the belief that all nigger believe the samething, that's why they are all scared of whips because they all believe that whips are evil
Idk what to put but chill Niggerism isnt real Issa joke