a rare scalp disorder caused by bleaching the hair may cause u to become a dumb mother fucker with pink or blonde spikey hair. may also have a skull tatoos pop up that have no meaning and sticks needles in his ass and drives a broke ass taurus with gay skulls all over it and has large, some may say huge love handles and looks like lance bass
omg dude look at that lance bass on steroids lookin mo fucker. god I hate him. he must have pretzel mange
While having I want intercourse I want to come in with three or more people and the tips of two males penises accidentally touch and her intertwine hence the formation of the pretzel
Oh no did our dicks just touch I think we might be pretzel Brose
The amount of power or strength it requires for one to pull apart a soft pretzel in relation to the distance of obstacles around the pretzel in question. The amount of time the pretzel has sat at room temperature factors in this equation as well. PF= √p/f/d.
This term is actual chemistry, however. The usage is a phenomenon that typically occurs on Saturday happy hour dates to Scottsdale Beer Company, AZ. Especially when sitting next to handsome men when the pretzel plate is far too near one's beverage.
It wasn't my fault the drink spilled, the pretzel force was too much!
person 1: hey, look at that brazilian pretzel!
tyler: thats elyse, you dumb fuck.
Same as a blue waffle. Just the male version. When you have been having sex to the point where it looks all twisted and swollen like a "blue waffle:"
I just totally got made into a blue pretzel from all the sex i just had.
The act of breaking a black womans (or mans) legs, and bending them behind their head during intercourse for deeper penetration. Cumming on them afterwards will lead to a Black Salted Pretzel.
My dick was to big for her pussy and his Asshole so I broke their legs and had myself a Black Pretzel
A disease in which a penis is twisted into the shape of a pretzel
My friend Emmett was just diagnosed with pretzel penis