The act of offering what is perceived as technical support but is entirely unhelpful, frustrating, insulting and rude.
Google Fi provides Peganet Level support to all it's customers.
A euphemism taken from the term peer support group. Simply means a group of people that you drink beer with. Especially a group of people that seem to gravitate towards the heavy side of drinking. Most likely a support group of borderline alcoholics, helping each other cope with life's challenges by drinking.
Stacey: Can you come out to dinner tonight?
Dan: Nah... gotta drop in on the old beer support group..
Stacey: Awww.... I'm so proud of you. It's nice to have a boy friend that gives back to the community.
Dan: I know.... it isn't always easy but my brothers need me... (opens a beer)
Stacey: mmwahh
The act of a large group of men cumming into a jar, then stirring the slew, afterwards dipping a dildo into the cum and putting it into a girl's vagina. Whichever person gets the girl pregnant pays child support.
Man 1: "Yo did you hear, the DNA results from our casual match of CSR came back."
Man 2: "Oh shit man, who lost?"
Man 1, revealing himself as Maury: "When it comes to the game of Child Support Roulette...." He paused for dramatic effect. "YOU ARE THE FATHER!"
Man 2:"Yo fuck that."
Maury: "You lost fair and square, dawg."
A friendship that helps to keep you balanced and earth worthy.
I have the best tech support for the soul with my Bubby.
Similar to third wheeling, a side-effect of feeling outcast or playing second fiddle to someone more popular or important.
Person 1: Hey, what's wrong with Marcus?
Person 2: Oh, he's dealing with supporting character syndrome.
Person 1: Oh, from Jason and Sarah?
Person 2: Yeah.
A woman who INTENTIONALLY gets knocked up by several unwitting guys so she can collect child support from them to pocket without spending a penny on one of her kids.
What are these child support whores going to do once they get too old to have anymore kids and all their kids are all grown up?
A person who is suffering with DTS, also known as Deranged tRump Syndrome, possibly due to brain atrophy or just run-of-the-mill poor judgment.
The sad sack of a person I spoke with at the post office yesterday was clearly a Deranged Trump Supporter because he was desperately trying to articulate at least one example of something 45 had done well for the U.S. and he was wearing one of those pathetic red Make America Gag Again caps.
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