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Britney Spears

An icon, a legend, a moment, she defined 2000s, she's the blueprint, all of those pop stars wished they were her, the impact she made to the music industry was INSANE, she's called the princess of pop for being the most complete artist ever, she sings, she dances, she plays piano, she writes, she does EVERYTHING u could imagine of, now that she's a free woman she's gonna destroy ur asses, and be better than ever SO BE READY FOR BRITNEY SPEARS' COMEBACK, she coming for y'all.
#FreeBritney #FreedBritney


by xleejo January 11, 2022

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Britney Spears

The most successful teenage artist to ever live, a woman with so many talents sadly ruined by a certain record company. THE TRUE THE PRINCESS OF POP. Known for her amazing dance moves back in the early 2000’s, Spears has since gone onto release 9 Studio Albums, with multiple hits, include .BOMT, Oops!,Toxic, Gimme More, Circus, Womanzier, Work Bitch! etc...

β€œBritney is one of a kind, they’ll never be a another legendary Miss Britney Spears...”

by lmaoahahahahhahahi April 15, 2019

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Doin' The Britney

It's when you see someone dancing and singing along to a song but you can't hear them singing. Usually done at traffic lights when people don't know that they're being watched. It's lipsyncing in reverse. Named after a performer who is renowned lipsyncing and dancing to her songs.

I was stopped at the traffic lights and this chic pulled up behind me. I looked in the rearview and she was Doin' the Britney, She was grooving about, waving her hands and singing to a song. I couldn't help but have a good laugh.

by Dirtyhound November 15, 2009

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doing a britney

1. having a very public breakdown

2. doing something really shocking/stupid/crazy

1. she was really doing a britney when she was crying and screaming at the shopping centre

2. he was doing a britney when he got that tattoo across his forehead

by nel17 February 19, 2008

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[Britney Spears]

A pop singer that people pay way too much attention too, especially her personal life.

Girl 1: Wow did you hear that new Britney Spears song, it really sucks. She is really fat and has no talent. I watch videos of her on tmz all the time.

Girl 2: Wow, you really have a lot of time on your hands you inbred redneck.

by sm94da January 3, 2009

14πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Britney Spears

Britney Spears is a pop sensation who has brought joy to america and other countries such as Japan. Some people disagree but she has many number one hits such as "Toxic," "Hit Me Baby One More Time," and etc. Spears has turned her life around from shaving her head and being reckless to caring for her children and her body. She does concert tours that make people feel as though they are in a circus. She is a very noteworthy person who will go down in history as someone who has entertained millions.

Britney Spears is coming to town, so there will be a lot of hype!

by lacrosse919 December 28, 2010

36πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž

Britney Spears

"Mindless robot, poor excuse of a musician, physco"



"Adorable, one of the most successful women in the world, and stressed"

Britney Spears has sold billions of records world wide. You ask people in China if they have ever heard of some of the stars that everyone seems to worship with no problem like Rihanna (who by the way sings through her nose so badly I want to shoot myself).
"Hey, China, do you guys like Rihanna?"
"Rihanna who?"
"Youuuuu knoww. The t0tally hawt musician?"
"Never heard of her."

You ask China if they have ever heard of Britney Spears:
"Hey, China, do you guys like Britney Spears?"

Granted, she did go through a rough patch. But so has 99% of the women in America. The only difference is, their rough patches and anxieties weren't broadcasted for everyone to see.

Britney Spears has been creating music since she was a teenager and she's STILL GOT IT. With her new album out with songs such as "Circus" "Womanizer", she is once again at the top of the charts, and probably still will be when she's old and gray.

"Britney Spears is an overrated redneck."
"Britney Spears makes billions of dollars a year, how much do you make?"
".... No comment."

by Danielle Danielle January 8, 2009

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