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A form of rock music where men sing in high pitched voices while wearing make up and big teased hair, acting and sounding as if their package is tucked between the legs.

That band playing tuck-rock could be guys or chicks..I can't tell!

by dutchpink June 10, 2010

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Turtle tuck

When you tuck your penis inside itself

A turtle tuck is necessary in cross dressing.

by Dinosaur Boot December 2, 2015

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tuck and smother

The term "Tuck and smother" refers to the act of hiding a beer or other alcoholic beverage under your shirt/jacket/or other article of clothing and carrying it out of the bar or restaurant you are in, in order to drink it on the walk/drive to home/bar/party etc.

Term originated in the bars of Boston, MA.

Yo lets go to the next bar, I am going to tuck and smother this beer out of here.

Hey, this place sucks lets tuck and smother these drinks and go back to my place.

by Vinny "Big Time" May 31, 2007

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When one is giving oral sex, and the partner is about to climax, they give a โ€˜love tap,โ€™ and the giver (in their own fashion) โ€œtucksโ€ or dives out of the way of the oncoming ejaculation

I was getting head from Melissa last night, and right before I came, she suck-and-Tucked and dove off the bed.

by Meh_xo July 1, 2019

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Friar Tucks

The greatest restaurant to bless this earth

Michael: fuck me, I'm hungry for a wee chicken supreme, wanna get a friar tucks
James: I want to have non homosexual sexual intercourse with you for suggesting that

by definitelyaturtle October 7, 2018

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Tucker Tucks

Tucker Tucks refer to shoelaces tied into a knot, then folded under the parallel shoelaces in front of it. These are good for those people who tie there shoes extra tight and don't want droopy laces.

Nelson: My laces are always dragging on the ground! I wish I could find a solution.

Leonard: Here try tucking them under like me! You will never have to face droopy laces again with Tucker Tucks!

by Eric the bunter February 20, 2012

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Irish Tuck

In an emergency situation when a guy pops a boner, tuck it up into the waist band of your pants to avaoid making it obvious that you can't control yourself.

"My sister bent over and her tit fell out so I had to pull and Irish Tuck so she wouldn't know I was a perv and checking out my sister." -Dave

by StONY July 30, 2003

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