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Pony plug

Shoving a horse dildo up your anus

Last night I shoved a pony plug up my ass

by GeneralxLegend May 4, 2016

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pony up

An act of pooling everyone's money in the current group together.

Who wants to order a pizza? Everyone who does, pony up!

by Jimmy Ray February 6, 2004

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Pony Phenomenon

When little kid shows become popular among adults and older teens.

First there are all these posts on the show "Friendship is Magic," now "Gravity Falls?" It's a Pony Phenomenon!

by justaperson0000 October 28, 2012

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Squatting pony

sex move in which man sits on couch chick faces him and steps up on couch and sits down on his cock then bounces up and down

I gave her the squatting Pony!

by JBut November 25, 2007

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The cotton pony

A way better name for a Tampon than its politically correct term.

"Maryellen: Hows it goin today kitten?"

"Kitten: not too shabby just ridin' the cotton pony!!!!!"

by Cotton Pony Cowgerl May 28, 2009

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Pony Ridin

the act of riding a pony;also a term used to say somebody is tripping

Those niggas be pony ridin.

by npicky June 4, 2010

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Pat the pony

Give up an idea/scheme as unworkable, esp. due to expense involved. From an incident where pony rides were offered, but were too expensive, so the child involved was told that she could "pat the pony" instead.

"This looks really good!"
"But look at the price!"
"Ah...oh dear. Never mind, I guess we'll pat the pony on that one."

by gorgeouslystupid May 25, 2008

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