When a person really needs to get a clue, but he is so dense and/or stubborn that the only way he would get it (i.e. comprehend) is if the clue was launched directly at his head via a brick.
"It doesn't matter how much you argue with that guy, he's such a Neanderthal it would take a clue-brick to even get through to him. DUH!!"
An exclamation used in reference to a mishap
Fuck-bricks! I just dropped my cell phone in the Grand Canyon.
A large and muscular, effeminate gay male.
"Dude, look at that jock drinking a sour apple martini."
"Oh he's a total sugar brick."
The day the Blackberrys went silent, and the distracted, harried, overworked drones who used them were forced to strike up conversations with people.
On Brick Tuesday, I actually had to listen to my boss in a meeting, instead of just pretending.
Brickhill is a website just like roblox, but better. You can jerk off to lego avatars and say racial slurs
Roblox kid: *joins BH cuz roblos down*
Brickhillian: oh no not again…
Roblox kid: *joins game* this place is shit!!
Brickhillian: *ignores*
Roblox kid: wow I can swear!!
Roblox kid: insert ever racial slur you can think of right now
Roblox kid: “Brick Hill is an amazing game just like roblox but better!! amazing!
Just like an ibrick but when your mybook external hardrive crashes making it a my brick
O man, this mybook crahsed!!!!! Western digital makes shitty hardrives! now its only good to be a my brick!
The cheap cell phones made by Nokia that are generally given out free upon signing for a plan. They have excellent reception but are ugly and large.
"Did you get a camera phone?" "No, I just have the Nokia brick"
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