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A quiet, reserved person, possibly, well most definitely lesbian. She swears to her friends that she isn't but secretly is.

Lesbehonest here, frances is for sure a lesbian

by facedelf33452 October 1, 2021


France is a complete and utter shithole full of snobs, its litteraly the gates of hell.

Person 1: What do you think about france?
Person 2: I fucking despise it.

by FranceHaterNubmer1 January 9, 2024


A very funny and beautiful girl with a gorgeous face. She knows all the best memes and doesn't like cheese.

Wow! She is so funny! I wish I knew someone like Frances.

by Flowy McMuffin February 12, 2017


The equivalent of getting sixty 100s on math where your average goes from 88.98 to 90, but get one 0 and the average turns to 23. Also shit country.

WW1: Absolutely kicking German ass on the Western front; no credit
WW2: Gets invaded easily due to many internal problems and eventually fighting off the nazis; bullied for eternity.

The country and food are beautiful, the people aren’t.

Wehraboo: France sucks! They lost in WW2
Historian: *pulls sandal out ready to beat ass*

by weird eye the science guy March 4, 2019


a country that is known for the eiffel tower,women,crosaints and always surrendering

Damn it france surrenderd again!

by somethingidk123 September 21, 2021



France is a shithole

by adolffo2169 January 7, 2020


Literal hell, don't go there

"Hey man, I just went to France"
"Did you meet the devil while you were there?"

by Iknowuripaddress,sostoptalking May 22, 2023