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Pantry Privileges

something that Anna should give to John

hey bro did you get the pantry privileges

by homiefucker August 19, 2024

Celebrity Privilege

Having the audacity to ask average people to provide the resources and/or means while having both in abundance.

Did you see the video of Oprah and The Rock using their celebrity privilege to request people make donations to the Maui relief effort

by CK179 September 5, 2023

Mansion privilege

When you live in or around mansions (or mcmansions) for most of your life that you forgot what regular houses look like and think that everyone lives in a mansion.

No, not everyone lives in a mansion... you have mansion privilege!

by x15 November 9, 2021

Admin Privilege

The perceived entitlement or advantage one assumes when granted administrative powers or authority in a group, particularly in online forums or social media platforms. Often characterized by the ability to enforce rules or make decisions that favor oneself or one's viewpoints without accountability.

Example: "He banned me from the group just because I disagreed with him; typical admin privilege."

by Pseudonym82828 June 23, 2024

Uterus privilege

When a cisgender woman decides that she's superior to a transwoman and/or decides that transwomen do not share her gender.

Sophie: Come on Karla, let's move away from those fake women over there
Karla: Get over your uterus privilege, that's a real woman

by Nudical May 10, 2024

Premium Car Privilege

When someone who owns a BMW, Mercedes or Audi feels that not only do they have the right to pull out in front of you in traffic without signaling , take your parking spot that you have been waiting for or pull around you at the gas line at Costco and jump you at the pump.

Wow did you see that Cayenne ? it crossed over 3 lanes with zero f**ks given it must be Premium Car Privilege thinking that the blinker comes on automatically . No but at Costco this lady pulled around me and cut me off at the pump and when I confronted her she said " well I need gas too I just didn't feel like waiting".

by ewanders1 March 28, 2016

Privilege point

Something you get for being part of a minority that self-describes as discriminated. When applying for something (to a university, for a scholarship, for a job, for a grant, etc.), after your skill and worth have been considered out of 20, the system of privilege pointing goes something like this:

If black +1
If half-Asian +0.5
If muslim +2
If female +1
If native, aboriginal, etc. +1
If white male (except if muscular, physically attractive, etc.) -2
If gay +1
If transgender +4

Only people that score at least 5/10 on a physical attractiveness scale are entitled to privilege points. (Ironically, this rules out people with coloured hair).

Hence, a can get a perfect 20/20 application with a raw score of 12.

Hey I just got into Uni, never could have made it if I wasn't a black converted muslim male-to-female transgender. Thank god for privilege points.

by TorChimp May 22, 2017