Having the favor of the boss and this favor can give you undeserving main card features undeserving rankings and undeserving title shots
- As defined from the youtuber TJlovesFights
Dana is trying to give Colby a title shot when he's 2-2 in last 4 and hasn't fought for a year! He totally has Dana White Privilege
2👍 1👎
The ability to basically say whatever you want without repercussions, such as insult the king. A jester would have legal protection and permission to make such jeers, as his purpose was simply to entertain and was often not taken seriously, but despite this, often was one of the more important members of the King's Court, and was given high status.
"He just insulted the king! He should be punished"
"Its fine, he's a jester. He has Jester's Privilege"
The idea that humans have better access to decent quality healthcare and health insurance, have more access to certain cities, towns, counties, and countries, and issues greatly affecting them are prioritized more frequently in political agendas, regardless of the political identity of those in power, than those affecting other species, despite how some of them can negatively impact the health of a large number of people. Hence, being human can at times be a source of privilege.
Karen: My dad had to go to hospital the other day. It took me five to seven minutes to find a hospital to take him to, which surprised me. I wasn't expecting it to take that long to find him a hospital.
Aaron: I glad you were able to find one in time. You're lucky believe it or not. According to what I heard at one point, it can take up to twenty to twenty five minutes to find an animal hospital that is open twenty-four hours a day. A lot of people often don't realize just how much more accessible and high quality the human healthcare system compared to the animal healthcare system. Its a major example of human privilege.
Karen: In that case you are right, I was very lucky.
Something that actually exists
Tristan: You know how some people bring up this so-called "White Privilege" and "Black Privilege"
Emily: Yes, I do, what about it?
Tristan: They are complete crap and they should really be going with Human Privilege if they want to talk about such things, since it actually exists, right?
Emily: Yes to both, 100%.
An attractive man or a women that is so sexy that the other party flirts by acting like they not sexy.
I got sexy privilege, she using reverse psychology rizz on me.
A privilege of unconditional inclusion,love, affection&respect to ppl who only have a blood tie or connection to a family,by either birth,or giving birth to a child w/a blood connection to a family,in which the blood privileged(BP)look down upon&discriminate indiscriminately against those who don't have a blood tie to the family by birth or by giving birth to a child w/blood ties.Examples of ppl BP ppl discriminate against,are children w/o blood ties to the family by adoption,&or marriage as step children;&ppl who marry into a family who have yet to have a blood child thus blood connection to said family,creating a blood tie that will bind.Thus spawning the"blood is thicker than water"mentality,w/o respect&complete disregard to the reality of acknowledging"u can't have blood w/o water"mentality.
This results in the person w/oBP(or WBP)to have to feel as if they must bend over backwards to please the BP people of the family they have been born,adopted,or married into.(as step child,husband,wife,step parent ect.To the blood tied person(s)w/BP to said family)
BP family members shunning&or ignoring a WBP person, possibly due to location of birth origins, biological birth origins, ethnicity or non ethnicity,sexual orientation/preference or non sexual preference/orientation,&or religious beliefs or non religious beliefs or disability&or any other discriminating factor the BP family members feel the need to discriminate against.
"She thought to herself ' I will never have the blood privilege my husband has until I produce a blood heir, and even then it's still questionable. '"
Being too ugly to be stored in someone’s basement. Mainly for the girls and the gays
“Send him upstairs, he’s got attic privileges”
“Maybe I may retract his attic privileges”