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Another word for looking up people's names on Urban Dictionary. A lonely and selfish task, normally done in the dead of night on the empty wastelands of plastic known as "The Keyboard". Commonly done by alisons and daniels, who are admittedly cool enough to get away with it.

Alison: "Hey Danny Boy! What's your fine self doin up in the dead of night?"

Daniel: "Oh you know, just Name-stalking."

Note: Tylers and Morgans cannot complete this action because it goes against their belief in the unity of the subjunctive universe. I would know, Im an Alex.

by Pooperscooper! November 5, 2009

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gang stalking

The paranoid fantasy of a few canadian semi literate fascists
and extremist christians who would stop at nothing to create the impression that they are being followed and harrassed bu they arent its some silly little boys and girls in a kind of fantasy game
several people have exposed this viscious little group as being the work of mainly 3 persons now known to be under medical supervision but not taking their medicine

Man did you see what these anti gangstalkers are saying
man this whole gang stalking thing is absolute s!%+

by gerry duffett December 20, 2006

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Religiously following a person's status updates on facebook, usually:

a) someone more attractive than you who you don't have the courage to talk to in person
b) someone who you have previously been rejected by
c) someone you don't know but has nice tits.

Beth: Omg this guy is totally e-stalking me. He comments on like every one of my status updates.
Mary: Haha omg thats so lameeeeeeeeee

by indicannabisativa July 15, 2009

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killing stalking

Is manhwa thats involves gay sex, death, torture, and has an amazing plot. Sangwoo is definetly THE HOLY SENPAI. <3

"A-I read Killing Stalking!
B-Omg thats gross!''

by NicoNicoPana January 5, 2017

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stalk mauler

A chronic masturbater, possibly another term for wanker

If someone makes a statement of which you doubt the veracity you may say to them "Getcha hand off it , ya stalk mauler"

by Mago October 7, 2006

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stalking stuffer

What they call it when a man stuffs his women on Christmas eve.

Dude was your Christmas merry

Well not for me, but it was a very MERRY CHRISTMAS for my women though.By that I mean I gave her a stalking stuffer.

Dude I know what you mean!

by lncwalker December 5, 2013

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gang stalking methods

Gang Stalking Methods
1. Street Theater and/or Brighting
Are there cars or trucks with their headlights On always on the roadside or in driveways along YOUR route almost every time you go out?
Or Open Car doors or Trunks during the day or even both. Is there people getting in Or out of cars just as you go by way too often than normal?
Or car's flashers and horns going off near you alot more than usual?
Are strange events happening in pairs or patterns of twos…etc.?
2. Home Sabotage and illegal entry
Are you experiencing home break-ins with no sign of forced entry but small disruptions or sabotage?
Example: New Dirt on floor, Sabotage of mechanical devices - TV, Furnace, pipes,AC outlets, computer sabotage, mail messed up.. etc.
3. Vehicle Sabotage and illegal entry
Is your vehicle being sabotaged or messed up which is much more unusual than normal wear and tear?
Example: Water in the Gas, Panels come unscrewed, Red Transmission fluid Leaks on the ground. Jell-O in the tank, door or trunk that you locked is now Open.
4. Traffic mobbing
Is there a noticeable increase in traffic by your house?
Example. Bikes, pedestrians, Cars, Pickups Can be as much as 30-40 more per day. Also Planes overhead. When you leave your home the timing is such that you see much of this!
5. Same Time Entry/Exit
When entering or leaving your home, is one of your neighbors there waiting and then entering or leaving his home at the same time.
Ex. Pulling into your driveway, then a neighbor already sitting in his car starts pulling out of his driveway.
6. Work Sabotage and illegal entry
Is there any undetected break-ins at work to mess things up and make it look like your fault, Or are your previously friendly coworkers now trying to mess you up?
7. Store mobbing
Is there any mobbing when standing in lines at stores, Or does the parking lot fill up alot more after you get there?
8. Vehicle threat
Have you been almost hit by a car, run off the road where you thought it was intentional or do you pickup someone with road rage everytime you go out? Are you being followed or Led by any vehicles?
9. Ruined relationships
Are your friendships and acquaintances going sour or talking in the same catch phrase even though they do not know each other?
Or do your friends or strangers know something about you that you never told them?
Ex. Something happens that you may or may not be aware of and your friend’s response is not as nice as it always was.
10. Public rudeness / Anchoring
Do you get rude stares, bumps or unexpected actions or talk from people you do not know or strange chat from strangers on the internet like they know you?
Ex. Anchoring - In Gang Stalking, Anchoring is used to make the target have fear with things happening in your daily life that considered to be
normal. That can be done with frequent demonstrations. The key is the frequency just like other GangStalking methods. For example, People show you a pen every where you go, and their attitude is rude or crazy against you. You don't know them. You just wonder what's going on. Imagine that happens everyday, for a week, for a month, fora year, then, that makes you have fear with a pen. In this case, a pen is ANCHORED with your state of fear. It can be
anything. A cell phone, notebook computer, a medical mask, clothes of the same color, anything.

Some very strange things started happening to me after a psychopathic person I know got very mad because he/she felt threatened!
I came home one day and found dirt on the floor and some things messed up and moved around. There was no visable signs of forced entry. My vehicle was broken into and the radio station was changed and the headlight switch was turned on and Some panels were unscrewed.
Thanks to this dictionary, I found that I am not crazy. These are two of the Gang Stalking methods. I am being Gang Stalked! These events will be recorded and reported!

by MRGs February 23, 2006

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