The love of my fing life , should have read urban dictionary before I broke up with him or I wouldn’t be in this current situation obsession over him now , perfect everything , genuinely cares about you , spoils you , spends all his time and energy making you happy , late night phone calls , morning texts , love so much love , and great sex
Zack needs to come back in my life
A ginger that has no self respect and think he is the worlds best person probably has to big of a ego and can't pull any bitches
zack has no friends
I really hope you don’t kys on the fourth of july. ☺️. thanks for being there for me though. especially at my lowest. ily.
“zack is sooo fine” - zack simp 83848495949837274959393874
cutie (a guy named 'zack')
'zack' (luscious locks of dirty blond hair)
wow (his lips - hehe)
he is super tall and long
the only girls he can get r only half the person he is
he makes you feel special and has a big heart even if it may seem different on the outside
Olivia is so lucky to have zack as her boyfriend. Talk about an iconic couple!
He is very emo and is very mean to me and thinks the color purple is mid and believes anything you tell him
Zack is emo
A guy that has voicecracks 24/7 and has a 2 cm penis
That dude voicecracks all the time he is a Zack