Cisco from the airsoft company Airsoft G.I. is the true airsoft daddy
Do you know the airsoft Daddy Cisco?
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Father of Peppa Pig and gayest pig on earth. Even his parents, siblings, wife and co workers call him Daddy.
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The infamous Hozier is an irish indie rock singer. His music makes you feel like laying in a river in the middle of the forest to contemplate life. His music is absolutely underrated and he deserves to be known for his other music and not just take me to church
He's tall, has long gorgeous hair, and smexy
Hozier is the one and only forest daddy
Daddy Devito is the best daddy. He’s better than Daddy Trump only because he’s met One Direction. Daddy Devito is the sexiest mofo because he’s dummy thiqq with two q’s. He’s one of the few people that deserve a Simone mug and Jess occasionally feeds Daddy Devito’s pet fish Vivek some Daddy Dorito crisps
Paul: Damn that man looks like he was crafted by angels! What’s his name
Louis: Why, that fine specimen is Daddy Devito. We should give him a Simone mug
A 30 year old cultured black Tyrone BDSM genomemaxed carpenter Chad with high fructose content and immense SMV. He fufills your typical zoomer Becky's daddy kink and has a zulu meat spear for a cock. Rough in the sheets, and vague with the deets, he's Daddy Monkey. Shut it down.
You're just mad she got her intestines dug up by the Daddy Monkey.
The greatest high school assistant principal in history. Known for his strict enforcement of dress code policies, specifically shaving.
"Yo dude, what happened to your beard?"
"Daddy Dale sent me to the office to shave"
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The result of a messed up relationship with one's father, or having an absent father. Results in younger women chasing older men and even seeking mistreatment in some cases.
I was dating a 24 year old when I was 38 but I didn't try to dress young. I was just a major alcoholic and she was the daughter of an alcoholic and had major daddy issues.
Once I sobered up she lost interest and I got creeped the fuck out thinking about the psychology of it all.
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