Jakob. Not stupid, usually. But sometimes when you hear something so outlandishly stupid, you just can't help but think, "Did you even have a single thought before you said that?" That's a Jakob moment.
"Wait, Canada is in Europe, right?"
"... Are you serious? No, you've actually got to be kidding me. What a Jakob Moment."
Being either extremely stubborn, or extremely tired
It's 19:00 and he is still asleep, Alistair Moment.
When you unintentionally do something stupid that could have been easily prevented however you instead experience slight brain processing misfunctions that result in a ridiculous, embarrassing accident.
Person A: You're supposed to turn left
Person B: I did...
Person A: Your left not my left!
Person B: Oh.. what a dumb moment
when someone does something extremely unfunny
damn bro that's a barney moment for sure
when someone is extremely funny
damn that's a barney moment for sure.
When you meet someone on an online chat, then fall in love and have a real life relationship.
Friend1: "Hey is Matt dating?"
Friend2: "Yeah, he has a Gaby Moment. He met this girl on a shoutbox and now they're together!"
A moment of sudden, triumphant discovery, inspiration, or insight achieved whilst dropping a number two.
"Dave have you worked out that nasty issue you were looking at?"
"Not yet mate, I'm going to pay a visit to the men's room and see if I have a poo-reka moment."