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Joker Bombs

Joker Bombs is a slot inside Stake that is very clearly rigged. Joker bombs will continuously screw you over time and time again but you will still feed hella money into the game. NOTE: Only playable when Nikola Jokic scores at least a 30 point triple double.

Joker Bombs can suck my dick

by jokic4mvp March 14, 2022

nuclear pipe bomb

electronic cigarettes.

the bigger the better

smokable and goes bang.

a nuclear pipe bomb exloded in my pocket, thank god i was wearing armor.

by Cody5050 January 12, 2021

Smoke bomb getaway

When she is about to cum,pull out and when she turns around smack the bitch in the face with baby powder and flee in style just like batman

I had to use the smoke bomb getaway last night, she wanted me to meet her parents

by The big bad bat November 9, 2020

Bombing Run

When you constantly have to keep shitting every 5 minutes.

I'm having a consistent bombing run at the moment.

by joebobbyballs2022 April 9, 2022

Poop Bomb

A bomb that explodes, and releases poop, very stinky, used in Vietnam War according to prestigious historians.


by Tim7 July 20, 2024

Dooklear bomb

The motherload of all shits. You are about to drop Fat man on Hiroshima (the toilet).

*Finishes eating a massive burrito
"Fucking Christ man I'm about to drop a Dooklear bomb"

by jpstp January 29, 2019

Food bomb

Food bomb is when you eat too much food and you're stomach about to explode into millions of pieces.

Bob went out to eat, Bob is full from his food, Bob stomach is going to explode, Bob has a food bomb, Be like Bob

by -Ariana May 9, 2020