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Ur Mom

A word you hear a lot said by all the uncool kids on discord, and BTW you got ur mom'ed

person 1: hey who are you playing brawlhalla with
person 2: ur mom
person 1: ouch- I got ur mom'ed

by get ur mom'ed February 26, 2021


a word used to completely obliterate an person into bits

JIM: i ate cookies yesterday
JACL: well i ate ur mom

sara: what r u talking about
amelia: ur mom
FRANK: what did u guys do yesterday
MIKE: ur mom

by ur mamaa February 28, 2021

Ur mom

Typically used by weird fortnite kids (or any other cringe kid) and is used to insult another’s mother

Lil Timmy: ur mom is gay!
Lil jimmy: bro are you like 10

by Meme broski April 17, 2022

Ur mom

When you don't know what to use in an argument. Say "Ur mom" and you instantly win.

Peter: Hey Joe, i hope that your dino nuggets are soggy and that you have chlamydia

Joe: Ur mom

Peter: I'm so sorry please forgive me Joe

by MegaChad69420UrMom November 23, 2021

Ur Mom

When someones says "ur mom" They're probably saying that to feel awkward, but really the moms ugly asf.

"What time is it?" I said "Ur mom" said Karen. Really?

by Official_Unicorn January 29, 2021

Ur Mom

someone who is apparently really good at sex

brian: i just fucked ur mom last night, biggest ass ever!

by udnndndmss, March 7, 2022

ur mom

a word to define your mother

Guy: Who cares?
Guy 2: It seems like your mom cares last night *blink*

by joemmamamwuhdw February 9, 2023