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Little Pocky

The super snack, that's great anytime, anywhere. Can be used in conjunction with G-Pocky and Men's Pocky

Pass dat Little Pocky off in dis direction, hizzle shizzle.

by Boy one do October 16, 2003

jorja little

jorja little is just great what a gel

i wish jorja little came to my house

by his step dad September 16, 2021

little jit

a small little shit. Extremely small mothafucka with a small chode aswell. Has no manners and is a dirty slut wannabe

oh what up Little Jit (as the man refers to Parisi who stands no higher than 5’2) Fuck you you fucking dirty little boy

by Jitling May 13, 2024

angy little sussy drunk man

The type of person who would fuck your dog, kill your whole family, sacrifise your mom to the devils, terrorize an orphanage, spit in your apple juice and then fuck your dog again.

They're also a 13yo moderator on KyndraHQ's server and gay asf.

"Have you heard what Susan did yesterday? It was so poggers."

"I know right? She's souch a silly angy little sussy drunk man teehee uwu!"

by terroristmommymilkersuwu June 28, 2021

Little Caesars

The short, straight-across bangs that most barbers want to give you.

Went to a new barber and they gave me the Little Caesars even though I said I didn't want short bangs.

by Unchangeable Bird October 1, 2021

Little Brown Bear

A cartoon character who originated from France as "Petit Ours Brun"

He's a little shit who whines and bitches at the drop of a hat, calls his mom horrible and refuses to share things with them. He additionally acted like a prick at the dinner table all because he didn't want his soup.

(Little Brown Bear is sat on the floor as his mum takes off his boots after he was playing outside)
Little Brown Bear: (whining) No I don't wanna get changed! I don't wanna take my boots off!
Mommy Brown Bear: Now listen, that is enough!
Little Brown Bear: (points at his mom's face) YoU'Re So HoRrIbLe!1! ReAlLy HoRrIbLe!1!1!
Mommy Brown Bear: No YOU'RE the one who's horrible, now calm down Little Bear, I've got WORK to do!
Little Brown Bear: (stomping his feet) YOU'RE SO MEAN YOU'RE SO MEAN YOU'RE SO MEEEEEEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by ArchieTheChameleonFan February 1, 2025

logan little

Stupid idiot who fricks your girl's poop sock

Youre a total Logan Little

by ThottyP November 5, 2019