Source Code

Slurp n' turp

When someone does something surprising, genius and slightly funny they have made a slurp n' turp action.

If you are know for doing these things often, you become a slurp n' turp.

"Wow he just build a bridge to safe a cat from across the river, that's so slurp n' turp!

by Emmachamp February 1, 2017


N^3 = N x N x N = No Nut November
Pronounced: “N cubed”.

A simple code for one of the toughest times a man can endure.

Useful “bro code” in public areas and/or near loved ones.

Bro 1 : Man N^3 (N cubed) is so hard!
Bro 2 : I lost N^3 (N cubed) yesterday, I am not the man I thought I was.
Girl/s overhears conversations : *Understands nothing*

by #1 Boss November 9, 2019

glitter slip n slide

When a girl gets eaten out by a gay guy.

I met this gay guy at a club and he tried out the glitter slip n slide!

by renooner April 5, 2014

brown can say n word yep


BROWN CAN SAY N WORD IN SENTACNE brown can say n word yep

by NOTPANTS4444 September 13, 2020

Jamaican half n' half

The act of a woman sucking on a mans testicles while he simultaneously urinates and defecates creating a showering effect that half covers the woman in urine and half in feces.

Angelica went out and got a Jamaican half n' half from her buddy Xander.

by ButtDartsWorldChamp January 30, 2024

In-N-Out Stinker

When you are enjoying anal sex with a significant other and they start trying to push out a big 'ol stinker.

Yo I was slamming Rebecca in the ass and she started pullin off an In-N-Out Stinker and I just pulled out and washed my dick off. My disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined.

by Phasmid9 September 6, 2017




1: Have you seen how cool Brickz N' Bonez is?
2: Yeah 🤩🤩

by arsynthegay April 30, 2022