A game typically played by jews, the rules consist of spinning a dreidel and whoever gets the highest number railes the fattest jews mom.
I won the dreidel dreidel game and got to derail nelly kelly, shit was gas pack.
Games in which a retired hairy army vet would play. Such as XCom, Mordhau, Arma, Ect.
Arma 3 is such a hairy dad game.
After going through the development cycle for years, game testers grow tired of the game they work on and often times no longer have the desire to play the game.
Joe: "Hey you want to play this new game that came out? Its awesome"
Tester: "No thanks, I have Tester Game Fatigue. Spending 3 years on every little detail for long hours has sapped my desire in playing the game."
A highly-disgusting (or hugely uproarious, depending on who you talk to, and also depending on whether you're da "performer" or da "audience") round of verbal-and-then-anal "conversation" in da form of a beamingly-playful riddle-type question from Person A, a naive lack-of-ideas response from Person B, and then a loud/voluminous whizzpopper from Person A. Said "dialogue" session is intended to make a big deal about da fact dat Person A had a really great butt-splutter "saved up and ready", so dat said "valuable" colon-burble wouldn't just "go to waste" and not be adequately noticed.
Person A (eagerly, with a big ol' grin): Hey, guess what!!!
Person B (unsuspectingly): What?!
Person B (disgustedly): Yeah, yeah, yeah --- I mightuh known --- just another fart guessing game, and I fell for it! :P
Probably the worst things you can come across on the internet, Usually involves a clash-of-clans ripoff and uses memes. The memes are not sufficiently dank, therefore the game is a piece of shit and should never be played.
Meme simulator
Danker simulator 2016
headshot simulator 2010
Rocketjump simulator
God dammit, i found another one of those shitty browser games, why do i even go on the internet anymore?
A group of people using hiding as an advantage to winning a match in a certain type of halo game, some people who dislike/ hate this community call the group "Hiding Like Girls"
Hidden League Gaming is a large community dedicated to hiding in the shadows.
The ability to see past the differences between live action larping groups and realize the goal is still the same hit each other with sticks just under different names.
We should be more open to cross gaming acceptance and less douche like to new people.