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St. Anger

Metallica's latest album. It has been given a lot of heat lately because there are still stubborn people clinging on to napster. It isn't their greatest album, and i could have been a lot better with just a few minor changes:
better mixed and tuned drums
better lyrics
add guitar solos

metallica's new album is st.anger

by alec November 6, 2004

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st clairsville

1.) wigger
2.) wankster
3.) people who think they are black but are not.

Dude, there is a lot of fucking wiggers at st. clairsville.

by afrobob July 2, 2003

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St. Nig

Synonym-Black Santa

Down the chimney is a big black dick, Coming down the chimney is old St. Nig

by One-armed-bandit January 21, 2019

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front st

To expose someone's secret in front of another person, or group of people.

I can't believe you said that secret about me! You straight put me on Front Street!

by FLXX1973 September 30, 2017

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Wall St

Wall st:


Wall st named after a wall that ran across Manhattan separating the indians and country folks from the city people. It’s also the place where bankers gathered to separate the naive from what was truly valuable and leave them shinny, cheep, trinkets and or a wide variety of magic tricks and promises .

As they say, the names, places, and costumes change ( something along those line ) but the play remains the same; in deed with Wall st. The play is the same, but where you once had drunken Shakespearian actors on intermission from the galas in the park fleecing the dim witted for sport and amusement; you have today the anti social branch of the cities collective , unofficial , madhouse filled to the brim psychiatric marvels who manage to retain the ability to calculated even if it’s often quite creative and often bizarre. I should also mention their ability of magic is quite intact and relished .

Usage :

John: β€œBill, have you ever noticed that when you use the ATM on Wall st weird things happen”?

Bill: β€œOh, you mean when the ATMs eat your money and there never seems to be a record.”

John: β€œExactly! .... and how the always have those new machine that always seem to be out of receipt paper.”

Bill ; β€œExactly!...... and how they always seem to malfunction and how the young tellers always seemed to be befuddled and can never find a manager and or the manager are always either on vacation in The Camon island or at a banking convention in Atlantic city

by Republahater June 2, 2012

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st. mildreds

An all girls school in Ontario thats filled with rich snobs, loser-ish nerds, and some randoms who don't know where they belong because they've been brainwashed like everyone else in the school. Only wear, LULULEMON, TNA, TALULA, Aber, Hollister, and other "hot labels"...only ever seen carrying designer hand-bags (Channel, Coach, Prada, and Gucci.

I know because I go there

St. Mildreds girls are all spoiled brats.

by Kelly-wa June 11, 2006

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St. Andrews

An evil, evil place, inhabited mostly by rich children with no souls, who learn how to form cliques and wear expensive clothing in preperation for their inherited life of wealth/transformation into their parents.

Terms to know: wigger, racist, assholes, WASP, JAP, douchebag, preppy

Student 1: Did you see the OC last night?
Student 2: No, my mom called me a fat piece of shit and hit me after she caught me eating some yogurt, so I spent the rest of the night throwing up and crying. You know, same old same old.
Student 1: It's okay, I taped it. No one will know you didn't watch!

by The kids aren't allright December 7, 2004

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