When a person of ethnic descent contracts a severe illness from another person who is white just like when the early pilgrims who hung out with the Native Americans and spread illnesses to them.
I was hanging out with my friend who was sick and now I feel sick to! I feel ike I got that pilgrims disease!
A tongue-in-cheek term for COVID-19 in light of Donald Trump's own infection, following months of downplaying the virus behind the global pandemic.
Did you hear about President Trump? He got the Donnie Disease.
"Fundzalow Disease" is a common Sicilian phrase that refers to people with significant wealth you pretend they are poor. Their Fundz are Low only when their wealth involves giving it to other people.
Every time I ask my mother for money her fundzalow disease breakouts and she has to go see a doctor.
"Stop being a Jew, Ma"
"Put your alligator arms away and pay for your own $200 dollar bottles of wine!"
"You cheap ass, buy your own gas for your Ferrari"
"Stop being a Jew, and buy a round of drinks"
Wilien Disease is a disease that makes you unable to spell the simplest of words more than once.
Person 1 : "Hey, did you see the video i sent?"
Person 2 : "Lamo, Lmoa, lmfoa flamo, Lmao"
Person 1 : "I diagnose you with Wilien Disease"
Külli disease is a disease when you have bigger nerve attacks and you are more angry than usual. Symptoms include loose tongue, sudden nervousness, and the need to shout at others. The person may also cough heavily.
Whole class got Külli disease. I went to shop and when i came back i got Külli disease.
When a man is unable to keep it in his pants, regardless of marital status. Often referred to as “sex addiction” by those irresponsible men seeking an excuse.
Damn Jenny...I bet he told you he had boner disease...that jerk!
Irre disease is a non contagious virus that is non fatal and causes no harm to the body. In fact the only side effect of the Irre disease is that you become irresistible in every way. Patients with this disease are extremely gorgeous and even have a great personality with a perfect sense of humor. These patients have a sort of sparkle that just makes them even more amazing. Although there is no cure for the Irre disease you do not have to worry because the only being in the galaxy with this disease is Angel Hermosillo. Like I previously stated it is not contagious and no one else can ever get this disease.
"Angel Hermosillo has had the Irre Disease since the day she was born"