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The traditional yarmulke skullcap worn by orthodox Jewish males (specifically in the age range of teens to thirties) which are accidentally (or accidentally on purpose)worn at such a rakish angle that it almost looks hip.

Pete: Did you invite Benny to the dinner?

Joe: Yeah, I caught up with him before he left for synagogue. I had to check him in his new hip-homulke though.

by Raive August 4, 2008


1. n. A slur for an anorexic person or a horny waif super model on drugs. The word is derived from hip-chipping, which is a widely accepted term to describe the sex act between two passionate anorexic lovers

Once the photographer busted out the cocaine for the swim suit shoot, all the hip-chippers lit up and turned the shoot into an orgy of clicking, grunts moans and bruises.

by Hot Dog Goblin May 12, 2021

donut hips


donut hips

by The Good Dinosaur November 23, 2016

hip card

A hip card is something given to a hip teen to allow them access to a hip hut.

Ron awarded me a hip card because he thinks I’m cool.

by Emslife February 14, 2019

hip dad

A dad who is so hip that he uses all of cool lingo and knows how to get down with the kids

Hey did you see that hip dad at the party?" "Yea man that dad was swag like a hype beast!"

by Kdawg766633 April 8, 2017

hip grandma

A grandma walking around outside a flea market in trendy clothes. For example...

Yeah dude, I saw a hip grandma the other day outside of the flea market. She was wearing a top with no shoulders, red lipstick, flip flops, and booty shorts.
Friend: Dude that's an old streetwalker.

by HipGranny13 April 10, 2018

hip and with the youths

being hip and with it, understanding slang, keeping up with the ever changing terms the youths use and find hilarious even though they will still look at you funny for understanding their language

Sadie is so hip and with the youths and uses words like rip and extra all the time, she's so embarrassing

by ilovemydogsomuch123456 December 13, 2016