Source Code


A engine component dat detects when da vehicle's "manly-macho" driver needs to pull over and ask fer directions.

Click and Clack recommend covering an unwelcome-status-indicating idiot-light or dashboard-gauge with opaque tape, so if you truly detest having to admit dat you weren't watching da road-signs, I s'pose dat you could do likewise for a map-sensor, as well.

by QuacksO November 19, 2024


M.A.P or MAP is an acronym used by sick fucks who are Pedophiles and who do not like being called such.

MAP stands for Minor Attracted Person, a person sexually are non-sexually attracted to minors (People under the legal age of consent). A MAP could like any minor from a literal fucking infant fresh out of the womb to a 17 year old. If you meet or know anyone that identifies as a MAP they are without a doubt a pedophile.

Guy 1: I’m coming out of the closet as a MAP. I like minors!!!

Guy 1 was soon exiled from society and starved to death.

by AnonymouslyStupid September 18, 2023


Mexican American Princess

ugh, that girl is acting like such a map.”

by Dancingnate1234 January 30, 2018


Commonly used on Twitter. The origin of MAP (and MAP pride) came from Twitter, pedophiles came together to make a acronym that would disguise them and make them look innocent as pedo looks much worse. They soon came up with MAP which stands for minor attracted person.

They (pedophiles) used it in tags, usernames, and even in merchandise! It was easy to lure children when the acronym surfaced because almost no one knew what it meant. After a while children caught on and some even started supporting MAPs, kids would make groups with the maps and arrange meetings (most of the time they got captured/went missing).

A few Twitter months later normal citizens got curious and went to look up what MAP meant. They were disgusted with the results and informed the platform and others that MAPs were pedophiles. YouTube's made videos to spread the message of kids being kidnapped and how it was wrong to support MAPs, the tag on Twitter was taken down but new ones rised. Thankfully the tags now are never used seriously.

MAP: lol I want to fuck kids
Twitard: ok 👍👍
Normal person: this is not ok

by Dxnnie! November 6, 2021


A MAP stands for a Minor Attracted Person, basically mentally insane people who are attracted to children, also known as Pedophiles.

John: All these fucking MAPs are disgusting!
Jimmy: Yeah, I 100% agree.

by AnAverageUrbanDictionaryUser June 25, 2023


Matrix of pain.

You don’t really know the severity of the ass to which the circumstances dictate.

~Unexplainably ass.

Man rick you don’t get it. shit was map as fuck.

by pdwc January 2, 2022


MAPS are the shitstains of earths underwear who want to give little children bad touch, but can't legally. They also most likely own cp and I don't mean Club Penguin.

The creepy uncle wants to touch his 3 yr old nephew, ya he is a MAP

by skibiditicklemonster January 10, 2024