Source Code

poop nap

n. Falling asleep on the toilet, specifically when there is poop hanging out of your butt. Usually occurs due to the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Dude I just took a 30 minute poop nap and woke up because I was snoring so loudly.

by Master_Q January 1, 2010

24๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

nigger nap

A long-ass nap during which you get as much work done as a nigger does on an eight-hour shift.

Whiteman #1: Well shit, my boss caught me taking a nigger nap in my office the other day. I think he's gonna can me.
Whiteman #2: Don't worry, there's no one but niggers applying for management these days.

by John McCrary May 9, 2008

85๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž

happy nap

going to sleep when you are high

dude im gonna go take a happy nap

by C2DJ June 20, 2010

18๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

nap sex

To have sexual intercourse whilst napping

Are you awake? Can I have nap sex with you?

by Mr always right February 27, 2015

19๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

disco nap

A classic rave/club-whore term that refers to a brief (30-90 minute) nap which a person takes in between two large events (e.g., raves and circuit parties). Because both events may span hours into the double-digits, there is little time to sleep. A disco nap helps to afford one the energy to make it through the second event.

I had to catch a disco nap before going to the next party.

by tfk February 27, 2005

444๐Ÿ‘ 290๐Ÿ‘Ž

special nap

Not really a nap at all. Code word for spanking your monkey, punching the clown, floggin the dolphin, having at yourself, pulling your pork, rubbing one out, or just plain old jerking off.

When I have trouble falling asleep, I take a special nap and then I sleep like a baby.

by 4fingeredman November 24, 2006

16๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


to obtain the pope against his will and run off with him in a sack.

dawg, you was pope-napped!

by 'Rapid Fire' Gordon Johnson August 23, 2005

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