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Spot on, no bother

Cavan (Irish County) phrase for "no problem"

Q: Will we meet for pints at 6pm?

A: Spot on, no bother.

by Wamwong March 16, 2009

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ABC Spot

A girls Ass-Beaver-Connection spot. Totally awesome when this area is pierced.

Girl: "Will you tickle my ABC Spot? It feels soooo good when you do!"
Guy: "Why do you ask? I'm gonna do it regardless of what you say!"

by Cptn Obvious February 12, 2009

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Leopard Spotting

n. The direct result of squiss or failing to squeeze out any remaining piss in the urethra before pulling your pants up thus creating small patterns of yellow circles in the underpants. This is much like skid marks in the back of underpants.

Brian: Guys, I think I should see a doctor. I’m spotting again.
Joe: Relax, you rushed your piss and now you’re just leopard spotting.
Spencer: My leopard spots are the size of frisbees.

by TacomaBeags October 17, 2017

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milk spots

dashes of cum on a young maiden's face

"you got a few milk spots there love"

by Podge, Paul, Dave, Sean August 26, 2006

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The g-spot is a lesbian bar that was named this so straight men wouldn’t be able to find it.

Josh: β€œShe invited me to the g-spot”
Andrew: β€œOh so your gay”

by Gay_botch October 27, 2020

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An act of farting designed to punish the recipient, delivered by two+ individuals. The victim is tackled and held submissive, while the farter drops bare-ass on the exposed skin of the victim. Ideally, the fart is both hot and wet, simulating a "spot-weld."

After Josh passed out from over-drinking, I pounced on him and delivered some epic spot-welding on his forehead that woke him up.

by Kumaboss October 4, 2009

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Trend Spot

A pizza face man who supports the devil , and is usually a satanist. Trend spot enjoys worshiping the devil and is a satanist 666 supporter and has posteres of the devil around of his wall.

Oh your a Trend Spot so you support the devil then?

by Jonathan Holmes666 August 8, 2019

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